Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000 

AIC B 008 / 2017
Effective from  13 OCT 2017
Published on 13 OCT 2017

Reynsluflug /
Test flights

Content Responsibility: Icelandic Transport Authority

1 Test flights

For holder and aircraft maintenance technicians for aircraft which are not EASA aircraft and are not covered by EU Regulation No. 1321/2014, which was implemented domestically with Regulation No. 926/2015:

  1. With reference to paragraph 3 of Article 26 of the Aviation Act No. 60/1998, as amended, an aircraft that is not an EASA aircraft may be operated for testing purposes after maintenance, repair or modification, provided that the test flight is necessary and performed for the sole purpose of verifying the airworthiness of the aircraft.
  2. Before such a flight is carried out, a written confirmation from an aircraft maintenance technician must have been entered in the maintenance records of the aircraft, stating that the aircraft is safe for the intended flight, as well as the purpose of the test flight.
  3. Prior to the test flight, the pilot, during the preparation of the flight, shall make sure that the aircraft has been declared safe for the intended flight by viewing the aircraft maintenance records. He must also make a mental plan of how he intends to conduct the flight and how he intends to react if something should go wrong during the test flight.
  4. Upon completion of the test flight, the pilot shall enter comments and the results of the test flight in the aircraft maintenance records alongside the entry made by the aircraft maintenance technician before the test flight, along with his signature and license number. If no remarks are made this must also be stated in the file maintenance records.

  1. If no remarks have been made after the test flight and the aircraft maintenance technician has confirmed it with his signature and certificate number, the aircraft is considered airworthy.
  2. The above does not apply to aircraft covered by the provisions of Regulation No. 926/2015 and Regulation No. 1185/2012. The operators of those aircraft must apply for permit to fly, in accordance with what is stated in Regulation No. 380/2013


Upplýsingabréf fellt út gildi: / AIC hereby cancelled:  
A 015/2017, B 002 / 2013, B 011 / 2004, B 007 / 2004, B 002 / 2004


Efni eftirfarandi NOTAM skeyta birt í þessu upplýsingabréfi: / NOTAM incorporated in this AIC:
Ekkert / NIL